/castspell [spellid] (tier=1) - Cast Spell with specified spell id, tier is optional, default of 1.
/castspell [spellname] - Find spells wildcard match with a partial spell name
cannot damage self with current setup.
sql query required: insert into commands set type=0,command='castspell',subcommand='',handler=509,required_status=200;
- Added GENERIC doors to be opened after use timer expires (CastProcess)
- CastProcess now tracks a target by the int32 spawn id instead of relying on the static target. For example trying to double click on a door that has a use action, this would lose target and the door would fail to open. Fixes#23.
Updated /spawn details to include a radius option if no target is selected, eg. /spawn details 5 - for a radius of 5. Gets some general spawn information (location id, spawn id, widget id, etc.)
Character Save / WritePlayerStatistic updated to check if characterid is set (in case client disconnects before character loads)
Default char_id of 0 set for Player class
Added a sql_updates.sql file for WORLD with _DEBUG define so we can more easily push updates made in game to each other
Flymode wasn't enabling cross zone correctly at times, moved it to later on in the zone in process.
Made it so flymode off doesn't trigger on zone in(don't need to know if its off, only on).
Includes new table for characterProperties
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `charactersProperties`;
CREATE TABLE `charactersProperties` (
`charid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`propname` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`propvalue` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
Fixes#21 - need cross zone capabilities for speed, flymode and invul
Fixes#22 - NPCs that are alive should not be looted (also /loot command was causing npcs to poof if you attempted to loot npc with no loot)
Added Trade command for Right Click.
Resolved quantity length for both traders in a trade, your_item_quantity, their_item_quantity (was int16, now int32)
Seems localtime struct ptr is not being returned, thus we crash (might be something with my environment), however for now adding a check to stop us from crashing.